To Study the Compositional Organization of the Works of Uzbek Artists Who Worked in the Landscape Genre


  • Nazarov Murodjon Abdumalik o’g’li Namangan State University of Pedagogy and Psychology 1st year student of easel painting faculty


composition, rhythm, symmetry


It is known from the history of Central Asian visual arts that there was no easel in the artistic culture of Uzbekistan until the 19th century. The first Russian artists who came to Turkestan, the founders of easel painting in Uzbekistan were officers, Orthodox missionaries, and finally, officials of the Russian Empire - people who executed royal orders. It is impossible not to admit that the masters of the Russian painting school of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were the founders of the fine art of easel art of Uzbekistan: "It was reflected in their (Russian artists') work. History and modern reality, nature and life of Central Asia; he created an artistic environment that shaped the taste not only of the Russian population of the large cities of Turkestan, but also of the local population, who were introduced to new types of visual arts when they visited art exhibitions.




How to Cite

Nazarov Murodjon Abdumalik o’g’li. (2023). To Study the Compositional Organization of the Works of Uzbek Artists Who Worked in the Landscape Genre. World of Science: Journal on Modern Research Methodologies, 2(12), 132–135. Retrieved from