About the Journal

World of Science: Journal on Modern Research Methodologies (U.S. ISSN 2835-3072) is a multidisciplinary journal with a broad scope that aims to publish the most recent global research. World of Science: Journal on Modern Research Methodologies is a multidisciplinary journal with a broad scope that aims to publish the most recent global research to make significant contributions to applied research and knowledge by publishing original, high-quality research articles in Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dentistry, Physical Therapy, Veterinary Medicine, Basic and Biological Sciences such as biology, molecular biology, biotechnology, chemistry, physics, biophysics, geology, astronomy, biophysics and environmental science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Sciences and Agricultural Science.

Articles can also be submitted to editor@univerpubl.com.

 The online version is free to access and download. The journal publishes original research papers in the following topics:

  • Education Method, Policy and Practice
  • Educational Technology, Science and Development
  • Educational Psychology and Counseling
  • Educational Leadership and Administration
  • Training, Teaching & Learning
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Childhood and Special Education
  • Secondary and Middle School Education
  • Higher Education
  • Health and Physical Education

The journal accepts article submissions both online and via e-mail.

Paper Selection and Publication Process

Step 1: Submission Acknowledgement: If you submit your manuscript online or through the journal email, you will receive an email of confirmation from the editorial assistants within 1-2 working days.

Step 2: Basic Review: The editor or editorial assistant determines whether a manuscript fits the journal’s aim and scope. Then, the manuscript is checked for its similarity index by CrossCheck, powered by iThenticate.

Step 3: Peer review: We use a double-blind system for peer review. Both reviewers and authors’ identities remain anonymous. A manuscript will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts: one editorial staff and two external reviewers. The review process may take 2-3 weeks.

Step 4: Acceptance/Rejection Decision: The decision to accept or reject a manuscript is based on the suggestions of reviewers. If differences of opinion occur between reviewers, the editor-in-chief will weigh all comments and arrive at a balanced decision based on all comments, or a second round of peer review may be initiated.

Step 5: Notification of the result of the review to the corresponding authors by E-mail.

Step 6: Online First Publication and Printed Publication: Manuscripts will be shortly published online upon completion of revision and payment of the publication fee. The printed version will be published in the scheduled volume and issue.

Step 7: Publication Fee: Following the acceptance of the manuscript, the authors are required to pay a processing fee that is 50 USD.