Rebozo Technique on Labor Pain Intensity in Multigravida Mothers


  • Syami Yulianti Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Jumita Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Lezi Yovita Sari Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia


Rebozo, Pain, Childbirth, Multigravida


Childbirth is a process where the baby, placenta and amniotic membranes emerge from the mother's womb at term without any complications. During the birthing process, the ability and skills of the helper greatly influence the comfort and smoothness of the birth. The care provided can be adjusted to the mother's condition. The rebozo technique can be used during labor to help the muscle fibers in the uterine ligament relax, thereby reducing pain and creating positive psychological and social effects, so that the mother who gives birth is relaxed, all the muscle layers in the uterus will work together in harmony so that labor goes smoothly, easy, and comfortable. This study aims to determine the effect of the rebozo technique on pain intensity during the labor process. This research design uses pre-experimental techniques with a satisfic group comparison design approach to determine the effect of the rebozo technique on pain intensity. The results of analysis using the rebozo technique obtained a mean value of 1.20 with p = value 0.000. There is an influence of the rebozo technique on the intensity of pain during the labor process. The rebozo technique can be applied to any normal delivery process.


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How to Cite

Yulianti, S. ., Jumita, J., & Sari, L. Y. . (2024). Rebozo Technique on Labor Pain Intensity in Multigravida Mothers. Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education, 3(03), 35–39. Retrieved from