Study of General Psychopathological Conditions in Patients


  • Sayfullayev Haydar Hajigurbanovich Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Uzbekistan


Medical psychology, perception, thinking, memory, psyche, epistemology, cognitive, interview


Before studying the science of medical psychology, students should understand that it is a separate science. Knowing the development of psychiatry and medical psychology as a separate science, solving a number of problems in the medical world, studying the problems of human psyche and their treatment. Medical psychology helps to change the thinking process of students, to make them pay attention to the health of a person, not to his disease, and in this way to make a syndromal and nosological diagnosis in the main pathological and borderline cases, to conduct a survey of the patient, to take patients It is aimed to activate their interests in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and knowledge in the psychoprophylactic approach to the patient person, taking into account the rules of deontology. It is necessary to mention the special place of memory in human mental activity.




How to Cite

Hajigurbanovich, S. H. . (2023). Study of General Psychopathological Conditions in Patients. Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education, 2(10), 64–67. Retrieved from