Parasurgical Management of Pilonidal Sinus by Ksharsootra: A Boon of Ayurveda


  • Dr. Rapeti Raman Rao PG Scholar, Dept of Shalyatantra, PMT’s Ayurved College, Shevgaon, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Rupali Dhalpe Associate Professor, Department of Shalyatantra, PMT’s Ayurved College, Shevgaon, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Sumedh Wasnik HOD and Professor, Department of Shalyatantra, PMT’s Ayurved College, Shevgaon, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India


pilonidal sinus, ksharsootra, shalyaj nadi vrana, anushalya


Pilonidal sinus occurs in natal cleft i.e cleavage between two buttocks which causes extreme discomfort, embarrasement and a great trouble to the patient. Pilo i.e hairs, nidal i.e nest and sinus i.e an abnormal one ended track i.e nadi vrana. Means chief etiology here vis having more hairs in anal and perianal region which penetrates the skin and enters through it which makes an abnormal track which gets infected and oozes purulent discharge through it. This disease is found more common in males than females having hairy nature of mens. In modern surgical sciences it is treated by Excision of the track with primary closure along with reconstructive flap. The risk of recurrence of and developing an infection of the wound post operatively is very high along with great trouble and inconvenience to the patient. Moreover patient requires longer hospitalization and expensive surgical procedure. Since there is similarity between shalyaj nadi vran described in sushrut Samhita and pilonidal sinus. Acharya Sushrut has advocated minimally invasive anushalya kriya i.e ksharsootra treatment. hence this treatment was tried in pilonidal sinus and described in case study here. Ksharsootra treatment not only lowers the complications and recurrences but enables the patient to resume his work earliest with lesser discomfort, lesser expenses and lesser troubles also.




How to Cite

Rao, D. R. R. ., Dhalpe, D. R. ., & Wasnik, D. S. . (2023). Parasurgical Management of Pilonidal Sinus by Ksharsootra: A Boon of Ayurveda. Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education, 2(10), 32–34. Retrieved from