Modern Aspects of Dietary Food Treatment of Gastroduodenitis after Coronavirus Infection


  • Namozov Farrukh Jumaevich Bukhara State Medical Institute


gastroduodenitis, coronavirus, diet, gastrointestinal tract


In some patients, the first signs of covid are not sore throat and cough, but nausea and gastrointestinal disturbances. The symptoms are similar to rotavirus and easy to confuse, but this is how the coronavirus also begins. Entering the body through the gastrointestinal tract, the infection causes inflammation - gastritis, enteritis. Chronic diseases - cholecystitis, pancreatitis can become aggravated. According to various authors, its frequency has increased by 2–2.5 times in recent years, which is associated both with a true increase in the number of patients with inflammatory lesions of the upper digestive tract, and with the use of new diagnostic techniques [1, 3]. No matter how trite, but inflammation can be defeated with the help of medications and while observing the diet. Diet for gastroduodenitis is the most important component of treatment. The theoretical method of research was used. Many articles and dissertations by international scientists were analyzed, which were based on various books, dissertations, as well as electronic journals.




How to Cite

Jumaevich, N. F. . (2023). Modern Aspects of Dietary Food Treatment of Gastroduodenitis after Coronavirus Infection. Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education, 2(6), 20–23. Retrieved from