Morphological and Morphometric Characteristics of the Thyroid Gland Polypharmacy Anti-inflammatory Sensors
polypharmacy, thyroid gland, morphology, anti-inflammatoryAbstract
Pathology of the thyroid gland registers markeromological problems. the most detected morphophysiological structural tumor of the gland is tissue microdistrict uniting a group of follicles and interfollicular space with autonomous system of blood and lymph circulation. Features of the structure of the tissue microdistrict we observe most of all under the action of pathogenic factors on the protective gland, role in frequent morphological and metabolic changes in tissues and organs [Borodin Yu.I., et al., 2018]. But morphological and morphometric changes of the thyroid gland in polypharmacy with anti-inflammatory drugs are poorly understood. The article presents a review of the literature on structural changes in the thyroid gland in polypharmacy with anti-inflammatory drugs.