Etiology, Pathogenesis, Classification Periodontitis
External factors, General factors, Local factorsAbstract
Periodontitis is more common, about 70-80% (Sokolova I.I., Savelyeva N.N., 2013; Baymiev A.Kh. et al., 2015; Tsepov L.M. et al., 2017; Miklyaev S.V. et al., 2018; Maksudova A.A. 2019; Astashina N.B. And etc., 2020; Plessas A., 2014; Bissong M. et al ., 2015; Liccardo D. et al ., 2019; Barros SP and al ., 2020). Periodontitis is an inflammatory-dystrophic disease that occurs as a result of common factors, such as a deficiency of vitamins C, B1, A , E , endocrine imbalances, and local ones - an imbalance between bacterial symbiosis and oral tissues, against the background of a decrease in the body's reactivity ( G. T. et al., 2017; Pedigo RA et al ., 2018). Inflammation can be limited within the gums (gingivitis) and affect all periodontal structures ( Ulitovsky S.B. et al., 2015; Polushkina ON THE. And etc., 2020; wang L. et al ., 2019). Clinical manifestations this disease are varied. They vary from bleeding gums to destruction and loss of teeth, due to the destruction of all tissues of the periodontal complex ( Feshchenko I.V. et al., 2018; Nguyen AT et al ., 2020).