Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Some Plant Species Belonging to the Genus Lepidium of the Cabbage Family Brassicaceae in Central and Northern Iraq Using the HPLC Technique


  • Ahmed Nazar Fathel al-Azzawi Department of Life Sciences Faculty of education for pure sciences Tikrit University
  • Omar Tarek Jawad al-Azzawi Department of Life Sciences Faculty of education for pure sciences Tikrit University


phenolic compounds, HPLC technique


The chemical study included the diagnosis and estimation of phenolic content in the leaves of the six studied species, namely L.sativum Biosser and L.ruderale Biosser and L.latifolium Biosser and L.persicum Biosser and L.perfoliatum Biosser and L. aucheri: Biosser using the HPLC high-performance liquid phase chromatography technique , eleven phenolic compounds were diagnosed in the studied species, namely Curcetin, Ferulic acid, Sinapic acid, P-Comaric acid, Caffeic acid, CHlorogenic acid, cinnamon acid, Epicatechoic acid, Catechoic acid, Kaempferol and protochatechoic acid species varied among themselves in the presence or absence of compounds in the studied species, and the current study showed a clear variation in the total content of phenols in the leaves of the studied species, distinguishing type L.latifolium has the highest phenolic content at 170.841 micrograms / ml , while the lowest phenolic content was in type l leaves L.perfoliatum reached 15.666 micrograms / milliliter.

Therefore, the genetic and chemical study distinguished the species among themselves and determined their distance and proximity to each other and isolated species from other species in determining the relationship between them




How to Cite

Fathel al-Azzawi, A. N. ., & Jawad al-Azzawi, O. T. . (2023). Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Some Plant Species Belonging to the Genus Lepidium of the Cabbage Family Brassicaceae in Central and Northern Iraq Using the HPLC Technique. Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education, 2(5), 133–141. Retrieved from