The Role of Youth Labor Migration in the Reduction of Incomplete Employment in Uzbekistan


  • Khuvayedullayeva Iroda Khusniddin Assistant of " HR Management" department,Tashkent State University of Economic


Migration, youth employment, human resources, labor migration, part-time employment, youth migration, intellectual migration, regulation of labor migration.


Globalization processes are developing more and more rapidly in the international
arena today's progress is the protection of human rights and freedom the issue of
strengthening guarantees is becoming an urgent task.Migration of every person in the territory
of his country, throughout the world, the strengthening of the right to change the place of
residence without obstacles the existence and practical provision of human rights determines
human freedom serves as one of the important socio-political criteria. Therefore, universal and
regional international standards on human rights are different a citizen freely leaves the
territory of the country where he lives or himself the right to return to one's country at will is
one of the most important rights defines as one.
Keywords: Migration, youth employment, human resources, labor migration, part-time
employment, , intellectual migration, regulation of labor migration.


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How to Cite

Khusniddin , K. I. . (2024). The Role of Youth Labor Migration in the Reduction of Incomplete Employment in Uzbekistan. Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence, 3(2), 1–12. Retrieved from


