Editorial Team

  • Chief Editor, Dr. Ambo Upe, Department of Sociology, Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
  • NOOR KAREEM YASIR, University of Thi-Qar, college of media, Iraq.noor.alsalihi@utq.edu.iq

  • Gayatri Sunkad, Post Graduate, Department of Political Science, Independent Researcher, Badami. Dist;-Bagalkot. Karnataka, India

  • Avital H. Bloch (University of Colima, Mexico)
  • Enikő Bollobás (Eötvös Lóránd University, Hungary)
  • Pia Brinzeu (University “de Vest”, Roumania)
  • Zoltán Cora (University of Szeged, Hungary)
  • Manana Shioshvili, teacher of Georgian language and literature, Culture Coordinator, Yakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University

  • John Cox (North Dakota State University, Fargo)

  • Éva Federmayer (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
  • Anna Fenyvesi (University of Szeged, Hungary)
  • Tamar Gogoladze, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Humanity, Gori State University, Georgia
  • Sirojov Oybek Ochilovichdoctor of political Science, professor Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute  
  • Hamidov Nurmuhammad Muxtarovich, Assistant, Ph.D. in technical sciences, Department of Mechanization of Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies of Karakalpakstan
  • Vladislava Gordić Petković (University of Novi Sad)
  • Paul Kantor (Fordham University, USA)
  • Boboev Azizjon Azimjonovich, Navoi State Mining and Technology University Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Control V.B.
  • Ishankulov Farrukh Tolibovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
  • Judit Karácsonyi (University of Szeged, Hungary)
  • Madona Kebadze, The Deputy of Dean, Assistant of Professor, World History Cathedra, Telavi State University, Georgia
  • Rob Kroes (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Mária Kurdi (University of Pécs, Hungary)
  • Ellen Litwicki (State University of New York at Fredonia, USA)
  • György Novák (University of Szeged, Hungary)
  • Ciala Mesxi, Visiting professor at Sukhumi State University, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Humanities faculty, direction of literary history and theory.
  • Dávid Levente Palatinus (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
  • Bálint Rozsnyai (University of Szeged, Hungary)
  • Ashis Sengupta (University of North Bengal, India)
  • Jelena Šesnić (the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science)
  • Sirojov Ochil Sirojovichdoctor of historical science, professor of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan.
  • Ildikó Sz. Kristóf (Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
  • Lívia Szélpál (University of Pécs, Hungary)
  • Ulugova Shahlola Musliddinovna Bukhara State University, Associate professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology
  • György E. Szőnyi (University of Szeged, Hungary)
  • Jonathan Veitch (Occidental College, USA)
  • Zénó Vernyik (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
  • Nino Dzamukashvili, Assistant professor. Faculty of the Humanities. Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Georgia
  • Tamar Gogoladze, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Humanity, Gori State University(Georgia)
  • Dr. Alaa Abdel-Khalek Hussein Al-Mandalawi, Baghdad University, College of Islamic Sciences, General specialty, Educational and Psychological Sciences, Subspecialty, Curricula and Teaching Methods, Iraq.

  • Tulteev Ilyas Tavasovich, Doctor (DSc) of Law, Professor, Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan

  • Dr. Alaa Abdel-Khalek Hussein Al-Mandalawi, Baghdad University, College of Islamic Sciences, General specialty, Educational and Psychological Sciences, Subspecialty, Curricula and Teaching Methods, Iraq.

  • Shabarova Umida Normuminovna
    Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute of Chemical Technology, Docent's Department
  • M. Dr. Jinan Shaker Ali Samarra University, College of Islamic Sciences jinan.sh.a@uosamarra.edu.iq