Effect of Medical Therapy on The Osteoprotegerin Levels in Patients with Hypothyroidism


  • Hanan Omar Khorsheed College of Medicine, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq
  • Entedhar R. Sarhat College of Dentistry, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq


Osteoprotegerin, hypothyroidism, Thyroid hormones, medical therapy


Hypothyroidism is a clinical condition that needs primary care. It is increased with age and is more prevalent in females. Biochemical testing is used to identify hypothyroidism. Overt primary hypothyroidism is characterized by blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) that are higher than normal and thyroxine levels that are lower than normal. The purpose of this research was to measure osteoprotegerin in hypothyroid individuals and look into how levothyroxine affected these patients' osteoprotegerin levels. For this purpose, 180 subjects (40 control groups and 70 patients with hypothyroidism underwent treatment, for 3 months) were selected for the study. The study materials were registered from the laboratories in Kirkuk city. The results are summarized in the following points: Osteoprotegerin Levels was highly significantly increased (0.0192) in hypothyroid patients compared to the control group, according to before and after treatment. Serum Level of Human TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) in Women was significantly difference (0.0001significant) in hypothyroid patients compared to the control group, according to before and after treatment. The parameters of Thyroid hormones TSH, T3 and T4 were highly significantly increased (P < 0.001) in the serum of hypothyroid patients compared to the control group, according to before and after treatment. Osteoprotegerin was elevated significantly in hypothyroidism patients, it may be involved in the pathophysiology of hypothyroidism.


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How to Cite

Khorsheed, H. O. ., & Sarhat, E. R. (2024). Effect of Medical Therapy on The Osteoprotegerin Levels in Patients with Hypothyroidism. World of Science: Journal on Modern Research Methodologies, 3(2), 39–48. Retrieved from https://univerpubl.com/index.php/woscience/article/view/3197


