The Extent of Parents Awareness Towards Absence Seizures Among Children


  • Alaa Mufaq Musleh MBChB. PhD Physiology, Department of Pysiology, College of Medicine, Tikrit University, Saladdin, Iraq


absence seizure, children, parents awareness


Absence seizures in children represent a nuanced aspect of pediatric epilepsy that often goes unrecognized or misunderstood among the general population. The level of awareness and attitudes towards absence seizures among parents play a crucial role in the timely diagnosis and management of this condition. This study aimed to evaluate the extent of parents awareness and their attitudes towards absence seizures in children, examining correlations with demographic factors to identify areas for targeted educational interventions. This cross-sectional study involved 92 participants, comprising parents from diverse demographic backgrounds. Data were collected through structured questionnaires that assessed knowledge levels (good, moderate, poor) and attitudes (good, moderate, poor) towards absence seizures. Demographic variables included sex, age group, educational level, residence, employment status, marital status, and family income. Statistical analysis was conducted to explore correlations between demographic data and both awareness levels and attitudes towards absence seizures. The majority of participants exhibited poor knowledge (69.6%) and moderate to good attitudes (68.5%) towards absence seizures. No significant correlation was found between demographic factors and knowledge levels, except for residence, where participants living outside Tikrit showed significantly higher awareness (P<0.05). Similarly, attitudes were significantly influenced by residence (P<0.05), with more positive attitudes observed among participants living outside Tikrit. Other demographic variables did not show a significant impact on attitudes towards absence seizures. The study highlights a significant gap in awareness and a moderately positive attitude towards absence seizures among parents, with geographical location being a significant factor. The findings underscore the need for targeted educational programs, especially in areas with lower awareness, to enhance understanding and foster more supportive attitudes towards children with absence seizures.


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How to Cite

Musleh, A. M. (2024). The Extent of Parents Awareness Towards Absence Seizures Among Children. World of Science: Journal on Modern Research Methodologies, 3(2), 22–38. Retrieved from


