Ways to Organize Monitoring in Determining the Effectiveness of the Pedagogical Process


  • Dekhkanova Madina Bakhtiyorovna A graduate student of "Educational Management" at Oriental University


targeted education, monitoring, improvement, indicator, modern model, technology, pedagogical process, educational process, correction, prediction


In this article, the author states that one of the most important tasks facing the researchers conducting scientific research today is the need to develop modern models and technologies for organizing, improving, and determining the indicators of the achievement of educational goals, in general, in determining the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. ways of organizing monitoring are explained.




How to Cite

Bakhtiyorovna, D. M. . (2023). Ways to Organize Monitoring in Determining the Effectiveness of the Pedagogical Process. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education, 2(3), 291–294. Retrieved from https://univerpubl.com/index.php/semantic/article/view/801