The Significance and Usage of Integrated Skills in Teaching English


  • Davletova Shalola Teacher at Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan


Integrated skills, segregated-skill instruction, teaching and integrative approaches, factors


This article is intended to give basic information on the importance of integrated skills in teaching English language. Also, after defining segregated-skill instruction and integrated-skills, this paper explains how it is necessary to integrate the four skills in the English language classroom in order to create authentic communication. Using integrated skills during the lesson can give several opportunities to achieve success on learning foreign language. Today, majority of teachers are using integration and segregation ways of conducting the class by authentic materials to enhance learner’s interest and motivation. Factual information and supported details which are used in this article will be efficient for the teachers and students who want to learn and improve integrated skills of language.




How to Cite

Shalola, D. . (2023). The Significance and Usage of Integrated Skills in Teaching English. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education, 2(3), 239–244. Retrieved from