Effective Methods of Using Dry Construction Mixtures


  • Abdumo‘minov Odina Rashidovich Termiz State University / Senior teacher of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Department of Transport Systems and Structure


dry construction mixtures, plaster, mortar, cement-based products, batch consistency, adhesive,, bonding agents, mixing challenges, compatibility, quality assurance, documentation, collaboration


This article explores effective methods for using dry construction mixtures in building
projects. Dry construction mixtures, such as plaster, mortar, or cement-based products, offer
numerous advantages in terms of convenience, versatility, and performance. However, their
effectiveness relies on proper handling, mixing, application, and adherence to specific guidelines.
This article highlights key considerations for achieving optimal results when working with dry
construction mixtures, including batch consistency, adhesive and bonding agents, mixing
challenges, compatibility with finishing materials, quality assurance and testing, documentation
and record-keeping, collaboration and communication, and continuous improvement. By
following these methods, construction professionals can maximize the benefits of using dry
construction mixtures while ensuring quality, durability, and efficiency in their projects.


,, cement-based products, batch consistency,
adhesive, bonding agents, mixing challenges, compatibility, quality assurance, docuquality assurancementation,
collaboration, continuous improvement


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How to Cite

Rashidovich, A. O. . (2024). Effective Methods of Using Dry Construction Mixtures. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education, 3(2), 13–19. Retrieved from https://univerpubl.com/index.php/semantic/article/view/3179


