Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon <p><strong>Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence </strong>is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal with <strong>U.S.</strong> <strong>ISSN <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2835-3064">2835-3064</a></strong> and a highly respected editorial team. This journal publishes reviews, research papers, and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. The <strong>Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence</strong> intends to foster successful research, highlighting new methods and frameworks that may inspire researchers to achieve even better findings. Articles can also be submitted to <strong>editor@univerpubl.com.</strong></p> en-US editor@univerpubl.com (Editor in Chief) editor@univerpubl.com (Support Team) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 01:10:31 -0400 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Psychological Empowerment Strategies among Mothers of Autistic Children https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3218 <p>The current research aimed to identify psychological empowerment strategies among mothers of autistic children. The current research identified mothers of autistic children in the city of Baghdad whose children with autism are present in the institutes and centers of autism as (Baghdad Autism Center, Al-Nahal Institute for Autism Care, Rami Institute for Autism, and Basma Amal Center for Autism). The number of them is (130) mothers of autistic children for the academic year 2022-2023, for the purpose of verifying the goal of the research, the researcher built a measurement of psychological empowerment strategies. Considering the definition, provided by the researcher for the item “psychological empowerment strategies”, four strategies for psychological empowerment were identified, and these strategies are: 1- Proper thinking. 2- Dialogue skills. 3-Emotion control. 4- Decision making. The measurement may consist of (38) items. The researcher also extracted the validity and reliability of the measurement, and after applying the measurement to members of the research sample, the data was analyzed and processed statistically using the statistical program (SPSS). The research reached to the following results: 1- There are no significant differences in the strategy of proper thinking; 2- There are no significant differences in the strategy of dialogue skills; 3- There are no significant differences in the strategy of emotion control; 4-There are no significant differences in the strategy of decision-making.</p> Inst. Shahla Saadi Salah Copyright (c) 2024 Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3218 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Formation of the Legal Framework of the Periodical Press of Uzbekistan (1991-2023) https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3223 <p>From its beginnings during colonial control until the post-independence era, the article examines the development of the press in Uzbekistan. It draws attention to how important Tatar enlightenment was in founding the first press and how Jadid reformists influenced the use of media as a vehicle for a national awakening. The research fills in the information vacuum about the precise effects of these early works on the evolution of society. It uses historical examination of original materials, such as magazines and legislative documents, as part of its methodology. Tracing the evolution of Uzbekistan's press in terms of law and culture is the goal. Findings show a notable departure from Soviet and colonial rule.</p> Durdimurodova Dilnoza Umidjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3223 Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Impact of Control on Elite Football Players' Athletic Skills https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3216 <p>The current research aimed to explore the relationship between intentional control and mental skills of elite football players in Baghdad Governorate during the 2023/2024 season. Recognizing the significance of mental skills in athletic performance, this study addresses a gap in understanding how intentional control impacts these skills among top-tier athletes. The study utilized a descriptive and correlational research method, involving a sample of 170 players from the Iraqi elite league, representing 86.44% of the total research population. Data were collected using the Intentional Control Scale by Ismail (2022) and the Psychological States Scale by Bell, Benson, and Shambrook (1996), with analysis conducted via SPSS version 25. Results indicated that elite players exhibit high levels of both intentional control and mental skills, with a significant positive correlation between the two. These findings suggest that enhancing intentional control may further improve the mental skills essential for elite football performance.</p> Noora Amer Aliwi Copyright (c) 2024 https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3216 Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400 External feedback and its impact on the learning and retention of the skill of dribbling and rolling https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3225 <p>The study dealt with one of the methods of learning, which identified the effect of feedback and retention of the skill of suppression, rolling and accuracy of shooting from movement in soccer, which the researcher addressed to several procedures, including feedback and retention and the extent of the role of feedback during the learning of the skill of suppression and handling The researcher prepared the educational exercises and carried out by the sample of players of Baghdad five-a-side soccer clubs and their number (14) players from Al-Masafi Sports Club and Baladi five-a-side soccer club, which was sampled equally 9 for each club and excluded (2) for the exploratory experiment. (2) for the exploratory experiment from the research community and outside the sample, as the sample received programs according to external feedback in learning and retaining the skills of suppression and rolling in shooting from the movement and the study reached results that were analyzed and discussed and the most important conclusions were that external feedback develops the results of It was effective in the learning process, especially in the early stages of learning for the sample members, and the recommendations are to pay attention to the stages of learning such skills for the sample members to be the pillar of the national teams in this game and its many requirements.</p> Noor Sabah Lawas Copyright (c) 2024 Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence https://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/3225 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0400