Shrines of Zomin and their History


  • Yesbergenov Begzod Yerjanovich Assistant at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Zamin, Central Asia, Ustrushona


The study is based on the restoration and repair of monuments of architecture of the Republic Zomin in national architectural styles, reflection of the interpretation environment in the new national style, complex design and creation, and repair of architectural and urban planning, landscape architecture, landscape design, architectural monuments in Educational Directions and the use of these doctrinal specialties in the educational process. Currently, various historical monuments have been restored and repaired in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva and other historical cities of our Republic. Tourists from foreign countries are welcome by those who are interested in history, architecture. Also, historical shrines located in the Zamin district were studied, restoration and repair projects were developed.




How to Cite

Yesbergenov Begzod Yerjanovich. (2023). Shrines of Zomin and their History. World of Science: Journal on Modern Research Methodologies, 2(5), 88–91. Retrieved from