Prospects and Problems of Searching for Highly Effective Drugs with Antiviral and Antimicrobial Activity


  • Masharipov Valijon Orinovich Tashkent medical academy
  • Zhuraeva Zulfiya Baratovna Tashkent medical academy
  • Abdullaev Ulugbek Meylik ogli Tashkent medical academy
  • Mirvalieva Nafisa Rezhametovna Tashkent medical academy
  • Kudiyarov Islambek Abdinasirovich Tashkent medical academy
  • Orinbaeva Zukhra Naurizbaevna Tashkent medical academy


infection, germs, antiviral drugs, cantibiotics, retrospective epidemiological analysis


In the presented work, a retrospective epidemiological analysis of the problem and prospects of morbidity and treatment of acute and chronic infections caused by different types of infection and microbes was carried out. The search for new biologically active compounds of plant origin for the treatment and prevention of immunosuppression of infectious diseases remains an active part of pharmaceutical research. The basis of antiviral therapy is the effect on the virus or its constituent components at a particular stage of reproduction. Practical medicine has a fairly impressive arsenal of antiviral agents capable of suppressing the reproduction of the virus at any of the three stages of reproduction of the virus.

Thus, in today's day, reliable diagnosis is possible only with the use of a complex of various diagnostic methods. The search for new biologically active compounds of plant origin for the treatment and prevention of immunosuppression, infectious diseases, oncology and metabolic diseases remains an active part of pharmaceutical research.





